Remembering My Childhood Companion

Enid Blyton’s books were probably the first novels I read and it wasn’t long before she became my favourite. I do not know whether it was due to her simplistic writing style, her quirky characters, or the fantastical tales that she spun, which I can credit to a great extent for making me a voracious reader. This was enough…

Call for Volunteers – The Perks of doing Volunteer Work

Like spending time with children? Love animals or just dogs? Want to work for the betterment of the poor or homeless? A feminist or a nature lover? Well, there is a place for each and every kind of enthusiast. That’s the beauty of working for a Ngo or simply doing volunteer work. Whatever you have…

How to make the most of Delhi in 2 days

What do you do when your sister’s in town and you have just 2 days to show her around? Multiple questions pop up in your mind. Where should we go first? Should we go to some historical place or go out for drinks? Do we have time to shop? Should I start with the “Must…

My newfound love for short stories

“Apart from being a well-known publisher, David Davidar is also a novelist, editor and anthologist. He has been an attentive reader of Indian fiction from the time he was a teenager…..” Read an article in The Hindu’s Sunday, Arts, Culture, and Entertainment titled “Not so tall tales”.  I chuckled at the title and moved on…